2017 Second Quarter Leadership Training Seminar & Charity Auction

 13 May 2017

Cultivate Entrepreneurship • Boundless Compassion

Enjoying happiness alone is not as great as sharing it. Henceforth, learning has the same meaning. When a group of people come together and exchange their learnings, it becomes more enjoyable!

In the second quarter of 2017 at the “Leadership Training Seminar”, it will allow us to learn together from our outstanding leaders. While doing so, let us not forget to contribute back to the society; Let us gather the strength of everyone and spread the warmth to all corners with our “Charity Auctions”.

Always striving to be charitable, and gearing up towards success for the greater good, is a duty incumbent upon us.


Victor Tan
Team Elite Pegasus III
Unmatchable Competitiveness
Lim Soon Lee
Team Elite Pegasus I
Achieving a Worthwhile Goal
Team Elite Pegasus I
Andy Saw
Team Elite Pegasus III
Just Fight Will Do
Chiu Cheng Hsiu
Team Elite Pegasus II
99% Mental Attitude
Ted Tan
Chief Training Officer
Cultivate Entrepreneurship • Boundless Compassion