Seminar Pelatihan Kepemimpinan

 15 Agustus 2015
 Mines International Exhibition Centre (MIECC), B1,MIECC, Jalan Dulang, MINES Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


  • Team Elite Monoceros Chiu Yen Hao – Changing is Growing
  • Team Elite Phoenix Hasim – The Perfect Team
  • Team Elite Monoceros Tan Kim Lee – Set A Must-Have Goal
  • Team Elite Monoceros Wong Yee Lee – Let the Heroine Reign III
  • Team Elite Pegasus Kelly Lim – How Big?

The Uncompromised Female Leaders

The Leadership Training Seminar led by RIWAY’s female Team Elite Pegasus Kelly Lim, had leaders sharing how they overcame themselves and organized their team, with those present benefiting from it.

This group of far sighted leaders is symbolized to a compass, leading distributors to walk on the success road of integrity, righteousness and positivity. Audiences were given the chance to know what the leaders had been through, and the challenges that they had been facing and how they overcome it.

RIWAY International resembles a big educational institute, with our leaders sharing their experiences selflessly, giving a chance for the distributors to absorb and learn from our leaders’ humble and sincere attitude, applying the knowledge and following their steps!

 8 Agustus 2015
 Sumatera Convention Center, Auditorium Lantai 3 Jln, Engku Putri Kav 1, Batam Center Batam, Kepulauan Riau.


  • Team Elite Phoenix Raymond Chua – Dilengkapi dengan Kriteria Sebagai Pemenang
  • Team Elite Phoenix Lim Gim Seang – Mengapa Direct Selling?
  • Team Elite Monoceros Haven Meng – Mencapai Kebebasan Finansial
  • Team Elite Pegasus Sam Siew – Mencapai Kesepakatan Merupakan Hal yang Terpenting
  • Team Elite Pegasus I Pauline Lee – Berapa Jauh?

Potensi dari pasar Indonesia tidak terbatas! RIWAY International menyerupai sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang besar, dengan para leader kita berbagi pengalaman mereka tanpa pamrih dalam setiap Seminar Pelatihan Kepemimpinan! Team Elite Pegasus Pauline Lee, bersama-sama dengan team elite leader lain berbagi perjuangan mereka yang menarik dalam karir mereka di RIWAY, termasuk topik tentang bagaimana mereka mengatasi diri sendiri dan mengorganisasikan tim mereka, sehingga bermanfaat bagi mereka yang hadir pada saat itu.

Kutipan berharga dari para leader ini berfungsi seperti kompas; membimbing orang lain melalui pengalaman mereka, memberikan kesempatan bagi para distributor untuk menyerap dan belajar dari para leader kita tentang sikap yang benar untuk sukses, menerapkan pengetahuan dan mengikuti langkah-langkah mereka!

 2 Agustus 2015
 New Taipei City Exhibition Hall


  • Team Elite Pavo Tan Kiong Ann – Begin with “Sincerity”
  • Team Elite Phoenix Jack Lai – The Valuable Goal
  • Team Elite Pavo Chiu Cheng Hsiu – The Beautiful Outcome
  • Team Elite Pegasus Jimmy Yap – RIWAY and Its International Outlook
  • Team Elite Pegasus II Penny Lee – How long?

RIWAY International has established a stable Taiwan market since 2012. In this training seminar, the leaders shared generously on what they had learnt, and also the ideas and direction that they found along RIWAY’s path. As knowledge empowers us, these precious sharing also enabled participants to apply what they have learnt, lift up their foresights and be equipped with the knowledge to success, thus moving forward to shine at the right place and right time!

Besides the professional knowledge about the product and organizing a team, this training seminar motivated and lifted up the potential of the participants, in achieving their goals with the right attitudes and mindset!

The whole venue was filled with positive energy, as every participant shouted “RIWAY! Right way!” excitedly. This day, all participants were well-equipped and ready to set on their journey!