2020年 RIWAY 国际员工晚宴 – 新加坡

一年一度的2020年 RIWAY 国际员工晚宴,即将在具有浓厚历史底蕴的新加坡嘉佩乐酒店进行,除了是万众期待的员工晚宴,今年也是 RIWAY 的12周年,对于管理层或全体员工而言,都是一个崭新的开始。

RIWAY 核心管理团队在去年增加了新成员,这意味着更大的发展和更多的责任。核心管理团队的扩充,市场的无限扩大,制造了无数的机会,更多新血的加入,不仅仅是配合公司的发展步伐,也是为全新的一年,作好迎接挑战的准备。

2019年RIWAY员工晚宴 – 首尔




This 4D3N trip to Maldives is enough to let us reminisce for a lifetime…

Our RIWAY Annual Staff Meeting was thought to be only at a small beach in Malaysia, but just 3 hours before we departed, we were told the destination to be at our dream paradise – Maldives! Till now we could still feel the overpowering emotions. Is this real or illusory? Overwhelmed with emotions, we could not believe our eyes even when we set foot on the white sandy beach.

An unforgettable indulgence with five star treatment; Big red packets and lucky draw dip arranged by our 3 Vice Presidents; Attractive year end bonus given out by President Dr Lim Boon Hong; We all felt the importance of this appreciation. To be part of RIWAY, we felt proud and blessed!

Till now, everyone is still in wild disbelief. Thank you RIWAY for pampering us with such wonderful crazy experience! Grateful to RIWAY, we will promise to excel and propel further for year 2017!

Yours Sincerely,
RIWAY’s staff


Every year’s festive season is always the time of giving, in this period of welcoming Christmas, RIWAY International gives our love to the society through the charity event “ChariTrees@Marina Bay”.

In a collaboration with the annual Singapore Red Cross Society’s “ChariTrees @ Marina Bay 2016” event, RIWAY International contributed a total of SGD12,000 towards this event and got our very own RIWAY’s ChariTree.

An act of kindness, A heart of charity; RIWAY uses the concept of “Taking from society, giving back to society” to bring about more hope for the world.

Beautifully lit up every night from 18 November till 27 December so come on down and take your photos with our very own RIWAY’s ChariTree!