
She has a great desire to explore the limits of one’s foundation and practicing; curious as to where it could bring her to and the possibilities it can present in life. She often contemplates; unwilling to be barred by limitations or restrictions, and anticipates the ‘unknown’ of the future. Upholding to the belief that “Life can only be wonderful when you overcome challenges”, she does not mind that the path may not always be smooth, as long as she is certain all of it is worth the effort.

Starting alongside RIWAY International from when it had nothing to its current status, as she reminisced back on her journey, she is proud on the fact that she has walked further than anyone else – undergoing various degrees of experiences have shaped her into a better version of herself. To Team Elite Pegasus II Yeoh Poh Hioh, Riway is her life’s career because this platform has allow her to change her destiny, attained personal growth and established skills essential for a stable foundation. With a sense of gratitude, she will continue to walk towards a life of bliss together with the dream team that she has built.