Pegasus Night – London

 4 January 2019

RIWAY International held our first “Pegasus Night” of 2019 in London, the city of ideas and imagination. As one of the world’s leading global city, it is a metropolis city of multi-cultural people, filled with ideas and bustling energy.

With the rest of 2019 ahead of us, January was the perfect time to put our resolutions into motion. It is a test of your mental strength, where your inspiration and motivation levels are at their highest. At every “Pegasus Night”, it is an opportunity to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this, allowing us to take a step back to glean from our experiences, lessons and revel in the successes of our exceptional Team Elite Pegasus leaders.

Surrounded by the best environment, RIWAY brings out the best in you. On that night, we renewed and revitalized our commitment to fight for the glory and honour for ourselves and our loved ones.