Xiao Shu Wen

Previously, he felt that in life, having a house and a car is adequate, but through his wife’s introduction and after getting to know RIWAY more, he realizes that there are in fact bigger prospects and higher goals in life which can be pursued; thus, one should not stop after you have reached a certain goal and remain only in one’s comfort zone. 

Success is not coincidental and can only be achieved through the accumulating of experiences. Do not stop trying due to fear of failure, as only constant change and continuous growth can bring you closer to success. 


He used to engage in traditional businesses, after joining RIWAY, he built up his network and career and his enlightenment came when he devoted himself to striving for Team Elite Pegasus; his uncertainties were cleared upon confronting his challenges with a positive attitude.

Amidst his attempts, he has learnt a lot and at the same time, developed a personality of perseverance and persistence and he extended this enthusiasm to the people, matters and issues he encountered, he learnt to make resolute decisions which helped him to grow and with that, he became a worthwhile person.


Change your thinking and be a leader with a firm belief who is filled with positivity and determination!

He is a skilful and analytic leader who is both rational and sensible. He is motivated to develop rising stars and his strength lies in analysing the system, nurturing more Team Elites and is someone who is strict upon himself to ensure the healthy growth of the team.

He created an environment promoting healthy competition amongst the team which allows everyone a chance to reach amazing results, and as a role model, he is strict with himself yet tolerant to others.


At the age of 59, he had been in the specialist medical profession for 30 years, since he met RIWAY, his life changed dramatically. From only wanting to stay home and rest after work daily, he looks forward to meeting up with his friends every day to talk about the RIWAY business.

He shared that even as doctors, there are worries on whether there is enough retirement funds to enjoy the old age, but after joining RIWAY, this worry is now unwarranted. In fact, he is able to experience the joys of life wholly with no worries at all.

Chi Chin Lung

A person who always gives himself chances, is a happy person; they need only lock-on to their goals, and just do it persistently, then there is nothing that they cannot achieve in their life.

For this, she chooses to challenge all things and she believes that as long as she can overcome them all, then there is nothing that can stop her; believing even more so in RIWAY, that she is able to find her values in life through this platform.

She firmly believes that as long as her teammates are able to build even better cooperation and to strive together, then the dream of approaching life’s highest peak together will no longer be just a dream.

Ye Hou Lin

She has a great desire to explore the limits of one’s foundation and practicing; curious as to where it could bring her to and the possibilities it can present in life. She often contemplates; unwilling to be barred by limitations or restrictions, and anticipates the ‘unknown’ of the future. Upholding to the belief that “Life can only be wonderful when you overcome challenges”, she does not mind that the path may not always be smooth, as long as she is certain all of it is worth the effort.

Starting alongside RIWAY International from when it had nothing to its current status, as she reminisced back on her journey, she is proud on the fact that she has walked further than anyone else – undergoing various degrees of experiences have shaped her into a better version of herself. To Team Elite Pegasus II Yeoh Poh Hioh, Riway is her life’s career because this platform has allow her to change her destiny, attained personal growth and established skills essential for a stable foundation. With a sense of gratitude, she will continue to walk towards a life of bliss together with the dream team that she has built.


“Life actually puts in tons of effort, it gives me challenges and bumpy roads to motivate me to become an ambitious person.” His first goal in RIWAY was set on achieving Team Elite Pegasus because he believes RIWAY can bring him to even greater heights hence his mindset and goals must be big!

Enveloping himself in the new culture of RIWAY, it has changed many of his views, allowing him to understand the differing potentials of different people and leading them to realize their strengths, displaying the glory of their team.


She has a great desire to explore the limits of one’s foundation and practicing; curious as to where it could bring her to and the possibilities it can present in life. She often contemplates; unwilling to be barred by limitations or restrictions, and anticipates the ‘unknown’ of the future. Upholding to the belief that “Life can only be wonderful when you overcome challenges”, she does not mind that the path may not always be smooth, as long as she is certain all of it is worth the effort.

Starting alongside RIWAY International from when it had nothing to its current status, as she reminisced back on her journey, she is proud on the fact that she has walked further than anyone else – undergoing various degrees of experiences have shaped her into a better version of herself. To Team Elite Pegasus II Yeoh Poh Hioh, Riway is her life’s career because this platform has allow her to change her destiny, attained personal growth and established skills essential for a stable foundation. With a sense of gratitude, she will continue to walk towards a life of bliss together with the dream team that she has built.


Lessons in life lie not in the future but what you do at this moment. As a leader who keeps to her promises, she is committed to reaching her goals according to her plans.

She follows a strict schedule to balance both family and career. She was once fragile but now she is able to face problems with a calm and positive attitude. Her greatest source of joy is to empower many more people to achieve good health and financial freedom, and together with her husband, bringing RIWAY to the world.

Li Baoru

Because she believes in the company, the plan and even more so in our boss, Team Elite Pegasus Li Baoru joined RIWAY International with no hesitation, she persisted throughout her journey and finally she has achieved the honour of Team Elite Pegasus for herself and her team.

Team Elite Pegasus Li Baoru took it upon herself to give herself a dateline and goal to attain the Pegasus glory, she wants to show everyone using her results, that as long as you can cross this hurdle, if she can do it, so can you.


Many leaders in RIWAY International dream of reaching the Team Elite Pegasus rank, and at the age of 29, he has already achieved it. Previously, he would be overwhelmed with guilt whenever he returned home even though he tried his best to fulfil his promise to his family. Eventually, he found real hope after he got to know RIWAY.

He has gained tremendous confidence and positive energy here, thus he strongly believes that he will bring a ray of hope to the Indonesia market, and being a Team Elite Pegasus team leader is the best way to upgrade himself.

Mao Bin

Team Elite Pegasus Mao Bin took the switch from the traditional industry to fully concentrate in RIWAY through understanding the product benefits and highly recommending it to his friends. Although he encountered some obstacles along the way, it also ignited his never-give-up spirit.

He chose to challenge the rank of Team Elite Pegasus so that he could lead by example and prove to everyone that “hard work will pay off”, and with this he could then lead the team to a higher goal. Now that he has done it, he is able to enjoy happiness with a contented mindset.


He saw the possibility of a new life when he encountered RIWAY; a company with such a positive environment, such strong product efficacy, and one with such unlimited potential for any individual or teams to surpass their development.

He firmly believes that if you lead by example and demonstrate to others how to become a Team Elite Pegasus leader, the team will have greater confidence and morale to take on the challenge as well. As long as the teammates are willing, he will do his best to help them achieve their goals too.


If you want to be a leader, you must shoulder and take up greater responsibilities, otherwise others will not acknowledge your leadership skills. Since he has chosen to become a Team Elite Pegasus leader, he is determined to be a leader whom will carry this responsibility to the end.

He was deeply in grief due to his father’s sudden passing and for that reason, he truly wants to let the people around him gain good health and financial freedom through RIWAY’s platform, it is his greatest blessing to see that everyone’s family can be healthy and happy.


At the age of 59, he had been in the specialist medical profession for 30 years, since he met RIWAY, his life changed dramatically. From only wanting to stay home and rest after work daily, he looks forward to meeting up with his friends every day to talk about the RIWAY business.

He shared that even as doctors, there are worries on whether there is enough retirement funds to enjoy the old age, but after joining RIWAY, this worry is now unwarranted. In fact, he is able to experience the joys of life wholly with no worries at all.


Success is a signal from your thoughts, you shouldn’t try to hide it; accept it, it can unleash your potential and enable you to achieve anything. After starting his career in RIWAY, he realized he was mentally uplifted, no longer fearful; he was clearer on his goals and knew what he wanted to achieve in life.

He believes that a person has not tried hard enough if they have never made any mistakes in life; we should accept failure and let it grind us, thereafter, we need to keep trying other possibilities until we succeed.

Sheng Jianling

She has never come into contact with direct selling before but was drawn to RIWAY International’s culture and products; through the product’s efficacy which put an end to hers and her family’s health problems, thus after being certain of the company and its products, she decided to give herself a chance to understand RIWAY more.

Being an introvert who did not take the initiative to make new friends and rarely even contacting her relatives, she gradually began to expand her social circle through RIWAY’s environment; in turn helping others around her gain good health and wealth.

Su Yuyong

Upon retirement, she spent most of her time like any typical housewife. However, after coming into contact with RIWAY International, she never could have imagined that her life will reach such a stage, where she could still carve out an illustrious career, experiencing life to the fullest and discovering the infinite possibilities of life!

Regaining her health and confidence and standing in front of an audience to introduce RIWAY’s products and plan are considered rare and precious opportunities for her. There are no shortcuts to success, and rewards always comes with hard work.


Attaining Team Elite Pegasus was only the first step to starting his career in RIWAY and he firmly believes that to be an exceling leader, one must have the courage to shoulder the heavy responsibility for his team, make the decisions and be the role model.

He lives by the motto of continuously striving for the goals that he wishes to attain and to put in his utmost effort in changing to be an even
more successful leader; by passing on this belief to his teammates, they have learnt the true meaning of commitment and determination.


Through RIWAY, she formed friendships with people from all over the world and motivated herself to set the goal in becoming Indonesia’s first female Team Elite Pegasus. She abides by the principles of integrity and discipline in her work, cherishing everyone she meets in her life and treasuring every second, as these are all closely interwoven to success and failure.

Her business partnership with RIWAY enabled her to grow tremendously and sincerely face her life. She is leaving a meaningful gift for her future generation so that their future will be just as glorious.


In RIWAY, he raised his mindset and matured tremendously, always mindful of making decisions based on the wellbeing of the team.

No matter what curveball life throws at him, he is able to remain calm in tough situations and not succumb to it. He believes that although one may not be able to control external circumstances, one can control how one handles every situation and come out of it as a stronger person. With perseverance, grit and drive to keep pushing forward in spite of challenges and obstacles, success and all things are attainable.

Yang Yn Hung

First, position, then establish and determine your needs and limits, and through RIWAY’s platform, you can achieve the success you desire if you put in effort. It dawned on him deeply when he was managing his team that one has to learn to give instead of only receive.

RIWAY has advocated the spirit of “Integrity, Righteousness, Positivity” since the start, thus he deemed that it is definitely worthwhile to devote fully to the career; moreover, it is remarkably rare that one can accomplish your dreams and also gain good health concurrently.


Everyone in RIWAY strives to help others achieve success and this spirit is not found elsewhere; likewise, many have attained success despite having low educational backgrounds, thus he made a resolute decision to change his attitude and mindset, and prove his capabilities in RIWAY!

Becoming a leader comes with shouldering heavy responsibilities as he endeavours to continually grow, strengthen the team and nurture more successful leaders. In addition, possessing persistence and improving one’s mentality are integral parts of achieving success; success is not just dependent on time, but also on the mindset!


He used to work in a fluctuating and unstable traditional business which he extremely abhorred as it restricted the freedom of his time and finance. Finding the meaning of rebirth here in RIWAY, he set out once more with a renewed and complete mindset and discipline, the difference in him is as if he was a totally different person altogether.

He duplicates the right things to his team, always on the get go for his teammates to provide strength and assistance because he believes that time is the greatest creator!


Always start from the small rivers and not the big seas. As he picked up new knowledge, he felt like it’s a new chapter of his life, as only when one is open to lifelong enrichment, can one’s life be transformed.

He noted there were more outstanding leaders successively, and more people who regained their health due to PURTIER Placenta, which proves that a career in RIWAY is feasible. If everything has been laid out and yet you take no action, then it would be a huge waste of a great opportunity!


Once you overcome all obstacles to begin a task, the whole world will support you. He puts aside his traditional business with firm resolve, becoming a role model for the team and shouldering the responsibilities of a leader, leading the team towards the right path.

He had forgotten his initial dreams when he was busying with the supermarket business, until he came to RIWAY, where he was glad to have a second chance to rekindle his dreams, and he saw that the returns from his efforts here far exceeded what he imagined or expected.

Yang Min Chien

He regained his health through PURTIER Placenta thus changing his impression of direct selling. He believes that, for one to be an outstanding leader, he must lead with empathy, continuously enriching himself while striving together towards the goal, unlocking everyone’s potential to the fullest.

As an experienced entrepreneur, he possesses a strong and decisive character. Being influenced by the positive environment in RIWAY, he believes that one should boldly go ahead with decisions once careful analysis had been made, as indecisiveness is not a trait a leader should be associated with.


Create an infinite wonderful life with unlimited positivity! For him, life should be full of unlimited positivity in order to create a better life that is full of wonderful surprises and happiness.

RIWAY is like a God’s gift to him and to show his gratitude, he promises to diligently share his product knowledge to more people; to allow more people to regain the vigour of their health, and through this, find a remarkable career, live a wholesome life, establish a carefree living for their family and their next generations.


He used to engage in traditional businesses, after joining RIWAY, he built up his network and career and his enlightenment came when he devoted himself to striving for Team Elite Pegasus; his uncertainties were cleared upon confronting his challenges with a positive attitude.

Amidst his attempts, he has learnt a lot and at the same time, developed a personality of perseverance and persistence and he extended this enthusiasm to the people, matters and issues he encountered, he learnt to make resolute decisions which helped him to grow and with that, he became a worthwhile person.


The boatman’s great strength can’t be trained without strong waves. It’s not about his speed but it’s about him making more sacrifices than the others! All the various investments that he had went bust in the end and was once tempted to end his life. However, being an optimist, he finally met RIWAY and embarked on the Right Way and reinvented himself.

To him, there is no secret to success in RIWAY. “Follow the leader, believe in yourself, persevere”, these are the determinants of rapid success, and therefore no challenges can ever defeat you.