Through mutual trust and the collective effort of your team, you can achieve a better understanding of each other and thus, resolve any problems that come your way with ease.

He realised that as long as he strives to make continuous progress and never remain stagnant, he can achieve the things that he once thought were beyond his limit.

With his ability to recognise and spot the endless possibilities even in difficult times, it has given him the opportunity to rise above and breakthrough, bringing not just himself but his team as well to even higher levels every single time.


The true restart comes from the courage of having no hesitation, she wants to challenge and prove herself again, thus she has no fear of resetting herself to start a new chapter in her career.

Most importantly, she does not want to have regrets in life, so she told herself to “try 1 more round”, because she knows that achieving her goal means being able to influence many more, and create a story of great value.

Her experiences in this process is also her opportunity to grow, and when she sees her changes, she is grateful to her current self.


Actions beget habits; habits form your character; character determines your destiny, and your destiny can be created!

He learnt to fend for himself at a young age and had his fair share of ups and downs in life. However, he was never defeated by those tough times and took them as learning opportunities. Once he makes a decision, he will go all out to make it a reality. His persevering attitude to conquer defeats repeatedly has helped shape who he is today.


A person’s credibility is the most efficient capital as they work round the clock!

His life now has become even more positive and proactive, as it further enriches his dreams of helping the people around him and giving back to society. His main priority now is to fulfil his responsibility of spreading RIWAY’s Culture of Righteousness and Virtue.

As he fought for Team Supreme Pegasus, he realised that his life had become more meaningful by always thinking of ways to help people; he finds that the more you help others, the more you’ll be helping yourself!


Caring and responsible, she nurtures her team on the pathway to success! Her life has greatly changed since she got to know RIWAY; resetting herself, she gained even more strength to help the people around her, her sincere actions have greatly boosted the morale of her team, giving them hope to strive even harder for their goals.

Her pursuit of perfection does not allow her to be complacent as she shoulders on the responsibility, carrying the hopes of her family and friends, a firm believer of appreciating and giving, she hopes to fulfil their wishes.


Bravery determines success. He realised that RIWAY has a firm foundation consisting of the perfect product, plan and manpower; with these innate conditions, he committed himself into this career and strove, fully focused on his goals.

Achieving Team Elite Pegasus has always been his goal and he has been extremely strict with himself because he believes that one must have expectations of themselves first before one can expect from others; you must understand giving, before others can give as well. A person will definitely achieve success if he invests his time in the right place, reset one’s mind and not to waste one’s time.


She has never ceased to accept challenges in order to achieve her dreams, through this process, not only has she widened her social circle, she has also helped many others to regain their health. As she overcomes one challenge after another, she is able to understand herself better and has gained more confidence in her life.

Almost everything must be achieved through “doing” in RIWAY, if you do not put in the effort or work for your dreams, then no matter how wonderful that dream is, it would still be just a thought in the end.


Filled with a rich direct selling experience, Team Elite Pegasus Fabian Lah immersed himself into RIWAY International; fully aware of the challenges that awaits him, he never thought about giving up as he understands the meaning of “If the dream that you want to achieve is big, then the problems that you face will become small”.

Staying true to his belief of “Once you have decided, then you shouldn’t doubt it”, he has broken through all challenges to achieve his dream; deeming all of these to be only the beginning, he promises to lead his team to greater heights.